A common theme of late, made very apparent during this year’s Super Bowl commercials, is the idea that even the nerd can attract the beautiful woman. This past Thursday, Feb. 21, Molly Macabre and several of her friends showed that sometimes, the nerd is the beautiful woman.
Cambria Cadavah
Nerdlesque was the first of a series of bimonthly events presented by A Plumb Askew Revue. The basic idea is to take modern burlesque and combine it with geek-culture references, especially in costuming and music selection. Characters seen in this debut performance included Ms. Pac-Man, Catwoman and Harley Quinn from the Batman comics, an X-wing pilot from Star Wars and, for the gamers, the Dovahkiin from Skyrim. It would probably be best not to consider the supposed age of the Gryffindor student included in the mix. Kayne provided the sole “boylesque” appearance in the show, performing as an android with playful dreams.
Lily Sweet
Beyond the amount of time obviously put into rehearsal for the performances, the time and effort put into the costumes was very impressive. Headliner Cambria Cadavah, especially, could have stood toe-to-toe with some of the best convention cosplayers around.
The nerd theme and some excellent performances make this a burlesque show to check out. The next show will feature characters from Alice in Wonderland and will take place on April 25 at the Art Centre Theater in Plano.
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