Guns N’ Roses shake Dallas
It’s been years since GUNS N’ ROSES have been to Dallas and the fans were more than ready for their return – even if Axelwas the only original member left. Gexa Energy Pavilion was packed Saturday night as the crowds piled in, ready for the show.

Opening the show was Austin based band THE SWORD. Added to the tour for this show, THE SWORD put on a killer set. With legions of fans from their songs on Guitar Hero, an old school rock feel, and three albums to date, THE SWORD were a great choice to open the night. While their music was spot on the lighting was a bit off (everyone but the singer was in darkness most of the time) and the vocals were a bit hard to hear. Still the crowd seemed to enjoy them and the band played about a forty-five minute set.
And then the waiting began.

It was a good hour and fifteen minutes before GNR graced the stage and really that was just not necessary. The crowd was beginning to get a bit restless but once the lights dimmed and the band appeared all was forgiven. They kicked off their nearly 3 hour long set with “Chinese Democracy” and “Welcome To The Jungle”. The set list was a good mix of songs off the newest album as well as old favorites and even a few covers. Axel managed to not strain his voice by putting in plenty of solos for the various members of the band. With a very brief break after “Nightrain” a three song, and two instrumental jam, encore capped off the night with a finale of “Paradise City” complete with fire, fireworks, and mass amounts of confetti.
Again the lead vocals seemed a bit soft in comparison to the rest of the sound and while DJ Ashba is a fantastic guitarist he seems to be trying a bit to hard to be Slash – complete with top hat and cigarette. Still the show as undoubtedly a success and Axel promised to be back soon and if none of us knew about the earthquake until after we got home it was only because GNR had the house shaking all on their own.
Guns N’ Roses
The Sword
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